Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Song
This article contains a list of notable mnemonics used to remember various objects, lists, etc.
Astronomy [edit]
- Guild of planets from the Dominicus: (Mercury, Venus, World, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
- obsolete (per the IAU definition of planet):
- Yardost Fiveegetables Eastat Grandore Juice So Usually Never Pee[1]
- Ky Very Eastducated 1000other Just Due southerved Us Northwardine Potatoes[1]
- Gany Vicious Elephants Met Just Southlightly Under New Pineapples[1]
- My 5ery Easy One thousandethod Just Southpeeds Up Northaming Planets
- Mark's Very Extravagant Kother Just Southent Udue south Northwardinety Parakeets
- Stellar classification sequence: O B A F Yard Thousand M R N Southward
- Oh Beast A Fine Girl/Guy, Thousandiss Thoue Right Now, Southwardweetheart![two]
- Revised stellar classification sequence: O B A F G Yard 1000 L T Y
- Old, Bald, And Fat Grandenerals Kiss One thousandore Fiftyadies Than You[3]
Biological science [edit]
- To remember the society of taxa in biology (Domain, Grandingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, [5ariety]):
- "Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Due southoup" is often cited as a non-vulgar method for teaching students to memorize the taxonomic classification of organization.[four] [5] Other variations tend to offset with the mythical king, with one author noting "The nonsense virtually King Philip, or some ribald version of it, has been memorized by generations of biological science students".[half dozen]
- Dear King Philip Claps Often For Good Southwardcience
- Do Kings Play Chess Onorthward Fine Green Silk?[7] : 69
- Dumb Mids Prefer Cheese Over Fried Mreedy Spinach[7] : 69
- Do Kindly Place Cover On Fresh Thoureen Southwardpring Vegetables[seven] : 69
- Darn One thousandernel Panics Crash Our Family Game System[8]
- Do Meep Pond Clean Or Frog Gets Due southick
- Dumb Kids Play Catch Over Father'south Grave Stone
- Daniel Yardeeps Philip Cat On Friday Getting Salsa
- To think the processes that ascertain living things:
- MRS GREN: Movement; Respiration; Sensation; One thousandrowth; Reproduction; Excretion; Due northutrition[7] : 135 [9]
- To remember the number of humps on types of camels:[seven] : 67 [10]
- D in Dromedary has one hump; B in Bactrian has two
- To distinguish color patterns betwixt the harmless kingsnake and the venomous coral snake
- Red on black, venom lack; red on yellow, kill a fellow.
- Crimson on yellow, kill a fellow; blood-red on black, friend to Jack.
- To recognize poison ivy
- Leaves of three, leave it exist.
- COWS stand for Cold Opposite Westarm Same, which are the relation between the components of the Caloric reflex test[eleven]
Chemistry [edit]
To recall the names of the first 20 elements in the periodic tabular array:
- Harry, he likes beer by cupfuls, not over frothy, never nasty mugs allowed. Since by six closing, are kegs cancelled?
- (H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca.)
To remember the unlike charges of the anode and cathode in electrolysis (PANIC): Positive Anode Negative Is Cathode
Engineering [edit]
- For the Eia electronic colour code, Black(0), Brown(one), Red(2), Orange(three), Yellow(4), Kreen(v), Blue(half-dozen), Fiveiolet(7), Gray(eight), White(9), Thousandold(five%), Silver(10%), None(20%)
- Big brown rabbits often yield yardreat big vocal groans when yardingerly slapped[12]
- Bad boys run our young girls behind fiveictory garden walls[13]
- B .B Roy [of] One thousandreat Britain [has] Fiveery Good Due westife.
- A mnemonic to recollect which manner to turn common (correct-manus thread) screws and nuts, including low-cal bulbs, is "Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey"; another is "Right on, Left off".[7] : 165
- For the OSI Network Layer model Please Do Not Throw Southausage Pizza Away correspond to the Physical, Datalink, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation and Application layers.
- For power in watts: Twinkle twinkle lilliputian star, Power equals I squared R.[i][ clarification needed ]
Geography [edit]
- The countries of Southward America in order of largest to smallest by surface area: Brazil, Argentina, Republic of peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Republic of chile, Paraguay, Republic of ecuador, Guyana, Uruguay, Suriname
- Boring, Average Politics Can Become Very Corrupt. People Everywhere Get Used Due southometimes
- The countries of Central America from N to Southward: Belize, Republic of guatemala, El Salvador, Republic of honduras, Nicaragua, Republic of costa rica, Panama
- Big Gorillas Eat Hotdogs, Northwardot Cold Pizza[14]
- The Great Lakes in order of largest to smallest: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario
- Super Heroes Thousandust Eat Oats
- Or just to remember them at all
- Huron Ontario Chiliadichigan Erie Superior: HOMES
- The principal factors affecting climate: LABDOWA
- Latitude, Distance, Build, Distance from the sea, Ocean currents, Wind, Aspect
Geology [edit]
- Geological periods: Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Recent (Holocene)
- Pregnant Camels Often Southit Down Carefully, Perhaps Their Joints Creak? Possibly Early Oiling Yardight Prevent Permanent Rheumatism[7] : 62–63 [15]
- Paleozoic to Cenozoic: Pregnant Camels Unremarkably Sit Downwards Advisedly, Perhaps Their Joints Creak[16]
- Mohs calibration of mineral hardness ane-10:[17]
- For Talc(=1), Gypsum(=two), Calcite(=3), Fluorite(=4), Apatite(=v), Orthoclase(=6), Quartz(=7), Topaz(=viii), Corundum(=9), Diamond(=10)
- Tall Chiliadirls Can Fight And Other Queer Things Can Develop[7] : 64
- TAll GYroscopes CAn FLy APart ORbiting QUickly TO COmplete DIsintegration[7] : 64
- Toronto Girls Can Flirt And Only Quit To Chase Dwarves
- Terrible Giants Can Find Alligators Or Quaint Trolls Conveniently Digestible
- Tal50 Gene Calls Florence At Our Quarters To Correct Dumbness [18]
- Differentiating stalactites from stalagmites.[19]
- The 'mites become up and the 'tites come up down. When one has ants in one's pants, the mites go up and the tights come downward.[7] : 66 (In a strict scientific sense, a mite is not an ant, although "mite" in common speech can refer to whatever small animate being.)
- Stalactites hang tight, hang downward like tights on a line; stalagmites might bite (if you sit on them), might reach the roof.[7] : 66
- Tights hang from the Ceiling, and Mites crawl effectually on the Ground
- Y'all need might to practise push-ups (from the floor). You must hold tight doing chin-ups (off the ceiling).
- Stalactites are on the ceiling. Stalathousandmites are on the one thousandround.[7] : 66
- Stalactites cling tight to the ceiling; stalagmites might reach the ceiling.
History [edit]
- Chinese dynasties (simplified): Xia (Hsia), Shang, Zhou (Chou), Qin (Ch'in), Han, Jin, Southern and Northern, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing (Ching)
- She Shamefully Chose Chinese Hand Jingles (and) SiNorthfully Sweet Tango Songs: "You (and) Me, Chickadee!"[15]
- English dynasties (simplified): Norman, Plantagenet, Lancaster, York, Tudor, Stuart, Hanover, Windsor
- No Plan Like Yours To Due southtudy History Wisely.[20]
- Wives of Henry VIII (names): Aragon, Boleyn, Seymour, Cleves, Howard, Parr
- All Boys Should Come Home Please[7] : 103
- Wives of Henry VIII (mode of death): Divorced, beheaded, died / Divorced, beheaded, survived.[7] : 104
- British nobility rank social club (simplified): Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Barons
- Do Gen Ever Fiveisit Boston?[15]
- Assassinated United states presidents and perpetrators: Lincoln by Booth, Garfield by Guiteau, McKinley by Czolgosz and Kennedy by Oswald.
- Losers Bearing Grudges Grandrieve Yardainly Cowards Chiliadilling Orators
Languages [edit]
Characteristic sequence of letters [edit]
- I ever comes before E (but later C, Due east comes before I)[21] [22]
In most words similar friend, field, piece, pierce, mischief, thief, tier, it is "i" which comes before "e". Only on some words with c but before the pair of e and i , like receive, perceive, "east" comes before "i". This can exist remembered past the following mnemonic,
- I before E, except after C
But this is not ever obeyed every bit in case of weird and weigh, westeight, height, neighbor etc. and can be remembered by extending that mnemonic as given below
- I before East, except after C
- Or when sounded " A " equally in due northeighbor, due westeigh and weight
- Or when sounded like " middle " every bit in height
- And "weird" is just weird
Another variant, which avoids confusion when the ii letters represent dissimilar sounds instead of a unmarried sound, equally in atheist or being, runs
- When it says ee
- Put i before e
- Merely not after c
- Where always there is a Q there is a U too
Most frequently u follows q. e.g.: Que, queen, question, quack, quark, quartz, quarry, quit, Pique, torque, macaqudue east, exchequer. Hence the mnemonic:
- Where ever at that place is a Q there is a U likewise [22] (Just this is violated past some words; run into:List of English words containing Q not followed past U)
Letters of specific syllables in a word [edit]
- Do non beprevaricationve a lie.[22]
- A secretary must keep a secret [22]
- In that location is an anguish in every teacher.[22]
- Be sure of your measurements before you start work.[22]
- Fri the end of your friend [22]
- The CIA have specia50 agents[22]
- Big Eastwardlephants Are Ugly[23]
- Always smell a rat when you spell sep arate[22]
- There was a farmer named Sep and one day his wife saw a rat. She yelled, "Sep! A rat – E!!!" [24]
- There are iii "due east"s buried in "cechiliadeastwardtery".
- The principal is your pal.
Distinguishing between similar words [edit]
- Divergence between Advice & Advise, Practice & Practise, Licence & License etc.
Advice, Do, Licence etc. (those with c) are nouns and Advise, Practise, License etc. are verbs.
- One style of remembering this is that the word 'northoun' comes earlier the word 'verb' in the dictionary; likewise 'c' comes before 's', and then the nouns are 'practice, licence, advice' and the 5erbs are 'practisouthwarddue east, licenseastward, advisouthe'. [25]
- Here or Hear
- Nosotros hear with our ear.
- Compleastwardment and Compliment
- complement adds something to make it enough
- compliment puts you in the limelight [22]
- Principle and Principal
- Your principal is your pal
- A rule can be chosen a principle [24]
- Remedial and Menial
- Remedial work is meant to remedy.
- Menial work is tedious but it's hateful (-ial) to complain.
- Their, There and They're
- Theirs is not mine fifty-fifty though 'I' is in information technology.
- Thither is where we'll be.
- They're is a wrinkle of 'they are.'
- Stationary and stationdue eastry
- Stationery contains er and and then does paper; stationary (not moving) contains ar and so does car [22]
- A for "at residual", e for envelope
Offset alphabetic character mnemonics of spelling [edit]
- Dashing In A Rush, Running Harder (or) Else Accident!
- Dining In A Rough Restaurant: Hurry, (otherwise)Eastxpect Accidents!
- Diarrhea Isouthward A Really Runny Heap (of) Due eastndless Amounts[23]
- A Rat In The House May Eastat The Ice Cream[26]
- Due northot Eastwardvery Cat Eats Sardines (Some Are Really Yummy)[26]
- Never Eastwardat Chocolate, Eat Sardine Sandwiches And Remain Young
- Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants
- Big Due eastlephants Cause Accidents Under Small Eastwardlephants
- Big Elephants Can't Always Use Southmall Exits
- Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Entrances[26]
- Mnemonics Now Erase Thousandan'south Oldest Due northemesis, Insufficient Cerebral Southtorage[24]
- George's Eastlderly Old Grandfather Rode A Pig Home Yesterday.[24]
- Ttrack Of My Old Red Rose Over Window[23]
- Rhythm Helps Your Two Hips Move[26]
Grammar [edit]
- Adjective society in English: OSASCOMP (Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose)[27]
- Odue north Saturday And Sunday Cold Ovens Make Pastry
- Usually-used analogous conjunctions in English language: FANBOYS [28] [29]
- For, And, Northor, But, Or, Yet, So
- The verbs in French that use the auxiliary verb être in the compound past (sometimes called "verbs of motility") can be memorized using the phrase "Dr. (and) Mrs. Vandertramp":
- devenir, revenir, monter, rester, sortir, venir, aller, naître, descendre, entrer, rentrer, tomber, retourner, arriver, mourir, partir [30]
Mathematics [edit]
Pi [edit]
The first 15 numbers of Pi tin can be remembered past counting the letters in the phrase, How I want a drink, alcoholic of grade, afterwards the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics
Quadratic equation [edit]
The articulation of the quadratic equation can be sung to the tune of various songs equally a mnemonic device.[31]
Mathematical operations [edit]
For helping students in remembering the rules in adding and multiplying 2 signed numbers, Balbuena and Buayan (2015) fabricated the letter of the alphabet strategies LAUS (similar signs, add; unlike signs, subtract) and LPUN (similar signs, positive; unlike signs, negative), respectively.[32]
Social club of Operations
Pcharter - Parenthesis
Excuse - Exponents
My - Multiplication
Dear - Division
Aunt - Addition
Smarry - Subtraction
(In the UK, the phrase BIDMAS is used instead; Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Due southubtraction.)[33]
Trigonometry [edit]
The mnemonic "SOHCAHTOA" (occasionally spelt "SOH CAH TOA") is oftentimes used to remember the basic trigonometric functions:[34]
- Sine = Opposite / Hypotenuse
- Cosine = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
- Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent
Other mnemonics that have been used for this include:
Some Old Hippie Caught Another Hippie Tripping Onorthward Acid.
Ships Of H olland Call At Harwich To Obtain Apples.
Southwardighs Of Happiness Come After Having Tankards Of Ale.
Southome Old Hen Caught Another Hen Taking Off Alone.
Silly Old Hitler Can't Advance His Troops Odue north Africa.
Topology [edit]
Mnemonics for Euler'due south characteristic are "fav. me", for "F add together V, minus E ", and "veryfun".[35]
Calculus [edit]
The mnemonic "LIATE" is commonly used to determine which functions are to be chosen every bit u and DV in integration by parts.
- Logarithmic functions
- Inverse trigonometric functions
- Algebraic functions
- Trigonometric functions
- Exponential functions
Medicine [edit]
- To remember the signs of a stroke:
- Face (Has the victim's confront fallen on one side?)
- Arms (Tin can the victim enhance both arms and go on them raised?)
- Speech (Is the victim's speech slurred? Can they repeat a unproblematic sentence?)
- Time (It is fourth dimension to contact emergency services.)
- To remember the steps for Resuscitation:
- D.R.S. A.B.C.D
- Danger (Check for danger to yourself or others before starting)
- Response (Cheque for signs of life or response)
- Send for help (Call for backup, or Emergency services)
- Airway (Cheque for obstruction in the throat)
- Breaths (Check for breaths)
- CPR (Commence CPR)
- Defib (Apply Defibrillator)
- D.R.S. A.B.C.D
- To call back the 10 organ systems of the human body:[36]
- NICER DRUMS (Nervous, Integumentary, Circulatory, Endocrine, Respiratory, Digestive, Reproductive, Urinary, Muscular, Skeletal)
- Intrinsic muscles of mitt[37]
Thenar (lateral to medial-palmar surface):
Abductor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis Flexor pollicis brevis Adductor pollicis
Hypothenar (lateral to medial-palmar surface):
Opponens digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Abductor digiti minimi
- Bones of the wrist:
Scaphoid bone, Lunate bone, Triquetral bone, Pisiform bone, Trapezium (bone), Trapezoid bone, Capitate bone & Hamate bone
- Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle
- She Looks Too Pretty Endeavour To Take hold of Her
- And then Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb
- Simply Learn The Positions That The Carpus Has
- Send Louis To Paris To Tame Carnal Hungers
- Stop Letting Those People Bear on The Cadaver'southward Easily
- Differential Diagnosis
- Cranial fretfulness
NERVE: | Olfactory nerve | Optic nervus | Oculomotor nerve | Pathic (Trochlear) nervus | Trigeminal (dentist) nervus | Abducens nerve | Facial nerve | Vestibulo-cochlear (Auditory) nervus | Glosso-pharyngeal nerve | Vagus nerve | Spinal Accessory nerve | Hypoglossal nerve | ||
Ophthalmic | Maxillary | Mandibular | ||||||||||||
Mnemonic: (for nerve)[38] | OLd | OPen | OCeans | Trouble | TRIbesmen | Nearly | Fish | VEnom | Giving | VArious | Acute / SPlitting | Headaches | ||
On | Onetime | Olympus' | Towering | Top | A | Fatty | Vocal | High german | Viewed | A | Hop | |||
Blazon: | Sensory | Sensory | Motor | Motor | Both (sensory + motor) | Motor | Both | Sensory | Both | Both | Motor | Motor | ||
Mnemonic: (for type)[39] | Some | Say | Money | Matters, | But | My | Brother | Says | Large | Brains | Matter | More than | ||
FORAMINA: | Cribriform plate | Optic canal | Superior Orbital Fissure | Superior Orbital Fissure | Superior Orbital Crevice | Foramen Rotundum | Foramen Ovale | Superior Orbital Crack | Internal Audio-visual Meatus | Internal Audio-visual Meatus | Jugular Foramen | Jugular Foramen | Jugular Foramen | Hypoglossal Culvert |
Mnemonics: (for foramina) | Cleaners | Only | Spray | Evil-smelling | Stuff | Right | On | Smelly | Idiots | In | Jumbled | Junkyards | Juggled | Loftier |
Carl | But | Swims | South. | Silly | Roger | But | Swims | In | Infiniti | Jacuzzis. | Jane | Just | Hitchhikes. |
Music [edit]
Bowed strings [edit]
- Mnemonics are used in remembering cord names in violin standard tuning.
- 1000ood Dogs Always Eat[40]
- 1000reedy Dogs Always Eat[41]
- Mnemonics are used in remembering string names in viola standard tuning.
- Cats Thousandive Dogs Advice[41]
Guitar [edit]
- Mnemonics are used in remembering guitar string names in standard tuning.[42]
- Every Average Dude Gets Better Eventually
- Due eastggs Are Deliciously Good Breakfast Energy
- Eddy Ate Dynamite Thouood Bye Eddy
- Eastwardvery Adult Dog Growls Barks Eastwardats.
- Due eastvery Acid Dealer Gets Busted Eventually
- Due eastven After Dinner Giant Boys Eat
- Due eastlephants And Donkeys Grow Big Ears
- Every American Dog 1000ets Bones Due eastasily
- Every Angel Does Good Before Eastwardvil
- Eat All Day Get Big Eastwardasy
- Eastine Alte Dame Chiliadeht Heute Einkaufen (German: an old lady goes shopping today)
- Een Aap Die Geen Bananen Eet (Dutch: A monkey that doesn't eat bananas)
Thus we get the names of the strings from 6th cord to the 1st string in that order.
Conversely, a mnemonic listing the strings in the contrary order is:
- Every Beginning One thousanduitarist Does All Eastwardxercises!
- Elvis' Big Great D1 Ate Due eastverything
- Every Big Thouirl Deserves Anorthward Elephant
- Easter Bunny One thousandets Drunk At Easter
- Eastwardaster Bunnies Go Dancing After Easter
Ukulele [edit]
Equally for guitar tuning, there is also a mnemonic for ukuleles.
- Good Cooks Eastwardat A-lot
- In the other management information technology is Aunt Evy Cooks Grits
Reading music [edit]
- Musicians can call up the notes associated with the v lines of the treble clef using any of the following mnemonics, EGBDF: (from the bottom line to the acme)
- Eastwardvery Good Boy Does Fine.[43]
- Due eastvery Good Boy Deserves Fudge (or Friendship, Fun, Fruit, etc.)
- Eggnog Gets Better During February
- Due eastmpty Garbage Before Dad Flips
- The 4 spaces of the treble clef spell out (from the bottom to the meridian) Confront and can exist remembered as Face up fits in the space (between lines)
- The v lines of the bass clef from the bottom to the top
- Good Boys Do Fine Always
- Thousandood Birds Don't Fly Away
- 1000rizzly Bears Don't Fly Airplanes
- Great Basses Dig Fine Altos
- Thousandoblins Bring Death For All
- George Bush Didn't Find Anything
- Thouood Burritos Don't Fall Aoffice
- The four spaces of the bass clef from the bottom to the top
- All Cows Eat Grass
- All Cars Eat Gas
- The five lines of the alto clef from the bottom to the top
- Fat Alley Cat Eats Garbage
- The four spaces of the alto clef from the bottom to the acme
- Chiliadreen Birds Do Fly
- The order of sharps in key signature notation is F♯, C♯, G♯, D♯, A♯, E♯, B♯, which can be remembered using the phrase
- Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle
- Father Christmas Gave Dadvert Anorth Electric Blanket.[44]
- Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eastating Birds.
- Fidel Castro Gets Drunk And Eats Babies.
- Fat Cats Thousandreedy Dogs All Eat Bananas.
- The order of flats is B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭, G♭, C♭, and F♭ (reverse order of sharps), which can be remembered using the phrase:
- Battle Eastnds And Down Moes Charles' Father
- Blanket Eastxploded And Dad Got Cformer Feet.[44]
- Before Due eastating A Doughnut Get Coffee First.
- To remember the divergence between the whole rest and the half rest:
- A whole rest looks like a "hole in the ground", and a half residual looks like a chapeau.
Philosophy [edit]
- THE LAD ZAPPA is a mnemonic for the beginning 11 (and most important) Ionian philosophers: Thales, Heraclitus, Eastmpedocles, Leucippus, Anaximander, Democritus, Zeno, Anaximenes, Protagoras, Parmenides, Anaxagoras .
- THE PLAZA PAD is another mnemonic for the showtime eleven (and most important) Ionian philosophers: Thales, Heraclitus, Eastwardmpedocles, Protagoras, Leucippus, Anaximander, Zeno, Anaximenes, Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Democritus.
- SPA is a mnemonic for the philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in their order of appearance, Socrates commencement.
Physics [edit]
- Sequence of colors in a rainbow or visible spectrum (crimson, orange, yellow, greenish, blue, indigo, violet):
- "Richard Of York 1000ave Battle Inorth Vain"
- Roy G. Biv is also used every bit a fictitious name
Transportation [edit]
- Marine[45] [46]
- "Red, Right, Return" reminds the skipper entering ("returning to") an IALA region B port to go along carmine markers to the starboard of the vessel. Conversely the reverse convention exists in IALA region A ports, where a similar (just significantly dissimilar) mnemonic of "Red on the Right Returning To Sea" can be used.
- The phrase "there's e'er some red port (vino) left" is used to remember the basics in seafaring. "Red" refers to the colour of navigation lights on the port (left) side of a vessel (equally opposed to green on the starboard side).[45]
- "Nuclear Restrictions Constrain Fishing and Sailing, People Say" is used to encode the "order of priority" for which vessels have correct of way (before in the listing has priority over later): Not under command; Restricted; Constrained by draft; Line-fishing vessel; Sailboat; Powerboat; Seaplane.[45]
- Aviation[47] uses many mnemonics in addition to written checklists. See besides Category: Aviation mnemonics
- Craft - Clearance limit, Route, Altitude, Frequency, Transponder.
- pre-landing: GUMPS - Gas, Undercarriage, One thousandixture, Propeller, Southwardpeed.
- pre-final: MARTHA - One thousandissed (procedure), Altitude (limit), Revict (set up), Time (limit), Heading (final), Airspeed (descent)
- pre-high-altitude - Flower - Flow (enabled), 50ights (test), Oxygen (charged), Water (humidity), Electricity (on), Radio (check)
- pre-flight-paperwork - ARROW - Airworthiness (certificate), Registration, Required (charts), Operating (checklists), Wviii and balance
- dark collision avoidance: Ruby, Correct, Returning - Red nav low-cal on Right implies target is Returning (closing)
- radio loss Instrument course - CDEF - every bit Cleared, else Direct to last gear up, else as directed to Expect, else as flying plan Filed
- spin recovery - POKER - Power (off), Opposite (full rudder), Chiliadlean (flaps, ...), Eastlevator (briskly forward), Recover (from swoop)
Units of measure [edit]
- Mutual SI prefixes:
- kilo-, hecto-, deca-, deci-, centi-, milli-, in descending order of magnitude:
- Kangaroos Hop Down British Driveways Carrying K&Ms[48]
- Ming Henry Drank Both Diet Cokes Monday[48]
- King Henry Died Drinking Chocolate Milk[48]
- deca-, hecto-, kilo-, mega-, giga-, tera-, in ascending gild of magnitude:
- Decadent Hector 1000illed Meg's Chiliadigantic Terrier[48]
- deci-,-, milli-, micro-, nano-, pico-, femto-, atto- in descending guild of magnitude:
- Darn Clever 1000nemonic Makes Northwardo Prefix Forgettable, Absolutely[48]
Come across as well [edit]
- Mnemonic
- Listing of firefighting mnemonics
- List of visual mnemonics
- Category: Science mnemonics
References [edit]
- ^ a b c Dark-brown, Mike (2012). How I killed Pluto and why it had it coming. Spiegel & Grau Merchandise Paperback. ISBN978-0385531108.
- ^ "SPECTRAL CLASSIFICATION OF STARS". . Retrieved 2019-04-06 .
- ^ Kirkpatrick, J. D. (2008). "Outstanding Issues in Our Understanding of L, T, and Y Dwarfs". 14th Cambridge Workshop on Absurd Stars. 384: 85. arXiv:0704.1522. Bibcode:2008ASPC..384...85K.
- ^ Eastward.D. Hirsch, Jr., The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy (Houghton Mifflin, 1993); Due east.D. Hirsch, Jr., "What Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Fifth-grade Education" (Doubleday, 2005) p308
- ^ Scott Hagwood, Retentiveness Power: You Can Develop a Not bad Memory--America's Grand Main Shows You How (Simon & Schuster, 2007)
- ^ Robert A. Wallace, et al., Biology, the Science of Life (Scott, Foresman, 1986) p398
- ^ a b c d e f thou h i j chiliad l chiliad n Parkinson, Judy (2008). I before Eastward (except later C) : former-school ways to retrieve stuff. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader's Digest Clan. ISBN978-07621-0917-3.
- ^ "Mnemonics". xkcd. Retrieved 2021-11-20 .
- ^ "Life processes - MRS GREN". KS3 Bitesize. BBC. Retrieved 20 Nov 2012.
- ^ Psychology: Concepts and Connections, Spencer Rathus
- ^ "Caloric Reflex (COWS): How does it work?". Medicine Specifics. Retrieved 2021-xi-20 .
- ^ ^ Jack G. Ganssle, Tammy Noergaard, Fred Eady, Lewin Edwards, David J. Katz, Rick Gentile, Ken Arnold, Kamal Hyder, and Bob Perrin (2008). Embedded Hardware: Know It All. Newnes. p. 17. ISBN 978-0-7506-8584-9.
- ^ Niebel, Benjamin W.; Freivalds, Andris (2003). "big+brown"&pg=PA297 Methods, Standards, and Work Pattern. ISBN9780072468243.
- ^ Dempsey, Caitlin (22 January 2017). "Geography Mnemonic to Larn the Countries of Fundamental America". Geography Realm . Retrieved 6 July 2020.
- ^ a b c "11 Tricks for Keeping World History Directly". 5 Jan 2016. Retrieved 2019-05-05 .
- ^ Mnemonic: Eras of Life
- ^ Mnemonic: Mineral Hardness
- ^ "Mnemonic devices for: Chemistry". Retrieved 2012-08-09 .
- ^ Mnemonic: Stalactites and Stalagmites
- ^ Pauk, Walter; Owens, Ross J. Q. (2013). How to Study in College. Cengage. p. 246. ISBN9781285632889.
- ^ "Bully Mnemonics". . Retrieved 29 Aug 2011.
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- ^ a b c d "Spelling Mnemonics". Archived from the original on 2010-09-24.
- ^ Is it practise or exercise? - Time to come Perfect
- ^ a b c d Mnemonics > Useful mnemonics
- ^ Mnemonics in English Education
- ^ Brenner, Erin. "The Trouble with FANBOYS". . Retrieved 2019-07-14 .
- ^ Zimmer, Ben. "Of Fanboys and FANBOYS : Word Routes : Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus". Visual Thesaurus . Retrieved 2019-07-14 .
- ^ Être Verbs - Mnemonic Devices
- ^ "Quadratic formula vocal". Retrieved 22 April 2015.
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- ^ "How to use BIDMAS to solve equations". BBC Bitesize . Retrieved 2019-12-23 .
- ^ "Trigonometry - AQA - Revision 1 - GCSE Maths". BBC Bitesize . Retrieved 2019-12-23 .
- ^ Blaom et al, Maths 190 and Maths 190G 2007 S1 C Studyguide, University of Auckland
- ^ LBCC - Retention Tricks, Scott Brueckner
- ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2011-07-13. Retrieved 2009-12-19 .
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived re-create every bit title (link) Mnemonic- Intrinsic muscles of hand - ^ Textbook of Bones Nursing past Caroline Bunker Rosdahl and Mary T. Kowalski (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007) p194; Medical Terminology for Dummies by Beverley Henderson and Jennifer Dorsey (For Dummies, 2008) p327
- ^ Caroline Bunker Rosdahl and Mary T. Kowalski, Textbook of Basic Nursing (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007) p194
- ^ "A Beginner's Guide on How to Tune a Violin [Instructional Video]". TakeLessons Web log. 2015-10-26. Retrieved 2020-12-22 .
- ^ a b "How to Tune Your Violin or Viola". Chris Nichols . Retrieved 2020-12-22 .
- ^ Welcome - Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Every Skillful Boy Does Fine - What does EGBDF stand up for?
- ^ a b Schonbrun, Marc (2005). The Everything Music Theory Volume, p.68. ISBN 1-59337-652-ix.
- ^ a b c Kuenning, Geoff. "Definitions and Mnemonics for Sailors and Powerboaters". Retrieved 20 March 2013.
- ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2011-09-02. Retrieved 2011-09-06 .
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived re-create every bit title (link) in the section "The coming in going out rule" - ^ Useful Aviation Mnemonics (published past Dauntless Software, Inc.)
- ^ a b c d east Schaeffer, Randy S. (Apr xvi, 2007). "Math Mnemonics". Faculty pages for R.South. Schaeffer. Kutztown PA: Kutztown Academy. Retrieved November 26, 2011.
Further reading [edit]
- Evans, Rod L. (2007). Every skilful boy deserves fudge : the book of mnemonic devices (1st ed.). New York, N.Y.: Perigee. ISBN978-0-399-53351-viii.
- Parkinson, Judy (2008). I before E (except after C) : former-school ways to remember stuff. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader'south Digest Clan. ISBN978-0-7621-0917-3.
External links [edit]
- Listing of hundreds of mnemonics belonging to several topics
- Medical mnemonics pdf (consisting of 22 pages total of) mnemonics on medical topics ordered alphabetically
- Medical mnemonics
- Searchable database of Medical mnemonics
- Mnemonics generator for numbers
- Collection of Mnemonics
- Collection of Mnemonics past Category
- Community website to collaborate and create new mnemonics
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