Jack Phillips Colorado Trying Him Again

Colorado Is Notwithstanding Trying to Destroy Jack Phillips

David Harsanyi


Posted: Dec 21, 2018 12:01 AM

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Colorado Is Still Trying to Destroy Jack Phillips

Over the past few years, Colorado has been on a cause to destroy Jack Phillips' business over a thought crime. The land'south Ceremonious Rights Commission had bored into Phillips' soul and established that his refusal to create a specialty cake for a same-sex couple was driven by his personal animosity toward gay customers rather than by his Christian faith.

Unelected officials began fining Phillips in an endeavour to put him out of business organisation for being a Christian. I wrote about the case numerous times, and every time, I was bodacious that his deportment had goose egg to do with "religious freedom" -- a term almost ever placed within quotation marks to intimate that information technology's a bogus concern. I was bodacious that it's constitutionally acceptable for a gay couple to force a man to create art that undermines his faith. I was bodacious the case against him would be a slam-dunk for Colorado.

Perhaps information technology's unsurprising that so many assumed Phillips' cause was a lost 1. After all, legacy media had fostered a number of misconceptions virtually the case. Almost noteworthy, news reports (and, more importantly, headlines) created the impression that Phillips had refused not just to pattern an creative cake with a personalized message that would have undermined his long-standing beliefs -- the same beliefs Barack Obama and many other Democrats (just not all conservatives) were even so pretending to concur when David Mullins and Charlie Craig walked into Masterpiece Cakeshop -- but also to sell gay costumers anything in his shop. It was untrue.

In the end, the 7-ii Supreme Court determination earlier this year protecting Phillips from this set on was both heartening and welcome. But despite all the celebration past First Amendment advocates, information technology was also a narrow victory. The merely existent mistake the commissioners had fabricated, co-ordinate to the court, was openly demeaning their target.

It was then-Commissioner Diann Rice, for example, who had compared religious liberty to Nazism and slavery. The fact that Colorado would not take similar cases against bakers who refused to brand specialty cakes for Christian customers (besides a protected class) was another obvious example of its social activism. The Supreme Court constitute that Colorado didn't display religious neutrality when punishing Phillips for his beliefs, showing "a clear and impermissible hostility toward the sincere religious beliefs."

The commission would non make the aforementioned error next fourth dimension.

On June 26, 2017, the solar day the Supreme Court agreed to hear Phillips' case, Fall Scardina, a transgender attorney and activist, called Masterpiece Cakeshop and asked Phillips to design a custom block with a blue outside and a pink interior to symbolize a transition from male to female. Phillips politely turned Scardina down. "I was stunned," the lawyer risibly claimed in her complaint to the Colorado Ceremonious Rights Commission.

Scardina, of grade, didn't accidentally ask the almost famous Christian bakery in the nation to make a "transition" cake. Scardina is leading a crusade confronting Phillips. In one call, Scardina allegedly asked for "an image of Satan smoking marijuana." In a written request, members of "the Church of Satan" asked for "a three-tiered white cake" with a "large effigy of Satan, licking a 9" black Dildo." "I would similar the dildo to be an actual working model, that tin can be turned on before we unveil the cake," went the request. You can but sense the sanctimonious smugness of people who think this sort of affair is edgy.

In whatsoever consequence, the state of Colorado has allied itself with activists, formally determining that there was probable cause that Phillips had indeed discriminated against Scardina based on "gender identity." Of class, the baker'south refusal to brand dildo and pentagram cakes only proves that Phillips isn't specifically antagonistic to aforementioned-sex couples and the newly consecrated belief in malleable "gender identity," as he's shown a consequent adherence to his less malleable Christian values.

It'southward those values that upset Scardina and members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Though they tin't say it explicitly, most progressives are fine with bigotry against religious groups. In their hierarchy of moral concerns, gratis expression isn't nearly so apropos equally the hurt feelings of aggrieved gay couples. And Colorado is again complicit in another set on on the Constitution. Until the Supreme Court comes down with a ruling that explicitly protects religious liberty from country-sponsored attacks on organized religion, they'll go on trying.

But it goes well beyond those legal concerns. Activists -- including the commission -- are trying to destroy a human being for thought crimes. This state-sponsored harassment isn't only nigh Phillips' modest business in Lakewood, Colorado, though that's surely office of it. It'southward a warning to all those with unpopular opinions to stay in line.

Trust me, no businessperson wants to deal with the Kafkaesque nightmare of having to account for the moral veracity of every transaction. And then in many ways, no matter what happens in court, these inquisitors accept already won.

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Source: https://townhall.com/columnists/davidharsanyi/2018/12/21/colorado-is-still-trying-to-destroy-jack-phillips-n2537889

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